Buddy Meetze |
Susan Brill |
Bernice Scott, Chair |
Greg Pearce |
Thelma Tillis |
District 1 |
District 9 |
District 10 |
District 6 |
District 3 |
CALL TO ORDER - Susan Brill, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the November 23, 1999 Regular Session Meeting were approved as submitted.
ADOPTION OF AGENDA - The agenda was amended and adopted as follows: Item D, Ordinance amendment to the zoning code, was moved to the top of the agenda; Consideration of new agenda format was added as item G, and Election of Chair was added as item H.
A. Ordinance amendment to the zoning code (deletion of special exception for commercial uses in rural zones) - The Committee recommended that Council give first reading approval to a request to delete the special exception for commercial uses in rural zones (Section 26-61.4(2) of the Richland County Zoning Code).
B. Conveyance of sewer lines to the City of Columbia for Phase I of the Haskell Heights Sewer Project - The Committee recommended that Council give first reading approval to the request to convey sewer lines to the City of Columbia for Phase I of the Haskell Heights Sewer Project.
C. Approval of expenditure to continue engineering and design of the Broad River Rowing Facility - The Committee recommended that Council approve the expenditure to continue engineering and design of the Broad River Rowing Facility.
D. Purchase of two Ford F350's for the Solid Waste Collection Division - The Committee recommended that Council approve the purchase of two Ford F350's for the Solid Waste Collection Division.
E. Quit claim deed to relinquish Richland County's interest in Robertson Creek Road - The Committee recommended that Council give first reading approval to a quit claim deed relinquishing any interest that Richland County has in Robertson Creek Road.
F. Discussion of ordinance regulating setup standards for single family residential dwellings - The Committee instructed staff to research the issue and report back to the Development & Services Committee.
G. Consideration of new agenda format - The Committee approved the new format for the agenda.
H. Election of Chair - The Committee elected Councilwoman Bernice Scott as Chair of the Development & Services Committee for 2000.